Ellie and Louise from Heathers kindly accepted to answer few questions for the blog. I feel really excited to post this interview as they are extremely talented and nice. Their new album Kingdom was released earlier this month so it's time to spread the word!

You’ve come a long way since the release of the first album in 2008. I’d like to know how you would sum up all the stuff that happened to you until now. What are the best memories that you keep in mind regarding the past four years?
It’s been an amazing 4 years. We both feel extremely lucky. We have had the opportunity to visit and play in so many incredible places and meet so many wonderful people. There are an awful lot of great memories but some would be, our release show for our first album Here, Not There, the two tours of America that we did with American band Ghost Mice, Recording our second album Kingdom.
I am totally and absolutely in love with the new album and especially two songs: Forget Me Knots and Flight. Could you please tell us a bit more about these two songs (lyrics, inspirations…)?
Forget me knots is probably one of the most important songs on the album. It’s a hopeful song and was written for a friend of ours who passed away 2 years ago when we were beginning to write the album.
Flight was one of those songs that were not going to be on the album and then we all changed our minds last minute. When we write songs we write the melodies first and then work on lyrics so initially we work with made up lyrics that don’t necessarily mean anything. For this song we kept those lyrics. I guess they still make sense to us. I think the meaning and feeling of this song especially comes through in the melodies and we didn’t want to lose it. I this song musically was inspired a little bit by Enya. We both adore her.
Who did the artwork of the album and how was it created? You generally use a lot of blue and purple. What do these colors evoke to you?
The artwork was done by New York based artist Stephen Hawlker. He is so fantastic. We did all of our two-ing and fro-ing over skype which was interesting. We wanted to create something that would illustrate what’s going on in the album and I think that the artwork does that exactly. It’s a little bit eerie and dark but uplifting at the same time. I think blues and purples and dark but calming colors. They’re very mysterious and then the red along side that is very direct and again dark. I think, in a way, the colors used represent the emotions felt in these songs.
I saw you did a Gaelic version of Remember When. Can you please tell us a bit more about it? What does it mean to you in terms of tradition and folklore?
Myself and Louise went to a Gaelic/ or Irish summer course when we were
17 and while we were there we translated one of our other songs into
Irish. We’ve actually ended up mostly playing that song in Irish since
then. We then had some help to translate Remember when into Irish too.
The Irish language is a big part of our culture and tradition. As a
child, in Ireland, we are brought up in school learning the language
and, as with any language, it’s important to keep the motivation there
for learning it and to keep it alive. Music can play such a huge part in
this because it transcends language and cultural barriers.

Have you ever done music without each other? Do you feel like something crucial is happening when you work together?
We sometimes work on music separately but it is definitely different when we work together. We are able to be completely honest with each other and we know each other so well. I think that helps!
How does it feel to be covered on youtube?
Aw, this is so lovely! It’s very surprising when we see people covering our songs. We get surprised to hear that people even listen to our music so this is just shocking. But it’s incredible! Always puts a smile on my face.
What are the plans for Heathers? Any collaboration?
plan for the moment is to tour! We’re doing a tour of Ireland in the
coming weeks and then we hope to get over to the UK, Europe and
eventually the US and further afield. Also, writing bits of new music
and possibly some collaborations. We’ll see what happens. We’re very
excited to get going again anyway.

I would like to show you some videos and you are supposed to make a short comment on each of them!
Video 1: La Dispute - Such small hands
I’ve never heard La Dispute before. This is really cool! I feel sad listening to it. But in a nice way.Very powerful song.
Video 2: Bonfire Madigan
There’s something very haunting about this!
Video 3: Jessie Ware - Wildest Moments
Her voice is absolutely stunning. The video is really simple but gorgeous.
Video 4: The Jezabels
The Jezabels are a band I’ve heard lots about but have never heard. This song is amazing!! Hayley's voice is beautiful!
Video 5: Lovers Love Haters - Poison
We are liking this. The lead singer has a sweet, interesting voice. Nice video too.
Video 6: Arcade Fire - Sprawl II
We are big Arcade Fire fans, and this is by far one of our favorite songs. We got very excited when we clicked on this link. This is also probably one of our favorite music videos ever. Régine's movement and dancing in the video is mesmerizing!!!
Video 7: RVIVR: Edge of Living
We're also big RVIVR fans & were delighted when we clicked on this link. We saw them play for the first time last year in London when we were recording 'Kingdom'. Love this song! Great band!

Last but not least I read on your Wikipedia that David Guetta would like to work with you. Is that true?!!
We were approached by David Guetta’s US A and R team who had heard ‘Forget me Knots’ on a US blog and they asked if we would be interested in trying to write for his new album. So we’re working away at the moment. It doesn’t necessarily mean that anything will come from it but it’s so great to be asked! We’ve always been interested in writing different types of music and for other people.
We were approached by David Guetta’s US A and R team who had heard ‘Forget me Knots’ on a US blog and they asked if we would be interested in trying to write for his new album. So we’re working away at the moment. It doesn’t necessarily mean that anything will come from it but it’s so great to be asked! We’ve always been interested in writing different types of music and for other people.
Thanks again girls, I wish you the VERY best for the future ♡
You deserve it ♡
See you readers, xxx!