Thursday, 28 March 2013

Womeninspiration Vol.7 - Marie Davidson ♥

Artwork by Francesco De Gallo

Les momies de Palerme, DKMD, Les Sirènes, Essaie pas... you are involved in a lot of musical projects. Please tell us a bit more about the most significant ones and how they contribute to your artistic fulfillment?

I met with Xarah Dion in 2006, we instantly decided to form Les momies de Palerme after improvising on night at La Brique, the space where we composed most of our music. From the beginning, we had a very intense dialogue using any instrument we could find from keyboards to electric guitars, and drums. After a year of improvisation we refined our music and came up with songs based around processed synths, violin and voices. Two records were released from this project; the self released L’amour sincere†
and Brulez ce cœur, out on Constellation Records. Later in 2010, I met David Kristian who is the other half of DKMD. David is an amazing sound designer who taught me a lot about processing, drum programming and most of all, made me fall in love with sequencers witch play a major role in the making of my solo project. In the last year DKMD went from classic Disco (On The Other Side EP out on Fur Trade Records) to Electro with a touch of Italo Horror (our Sacrificio EP will be released on the Italian label J.A.M. Traxx this summer). David and I also have a side project called Hotel Monochrome that brings us out of the dancefloor style to something more introspective and trippy, this is where I learned how to make music with only electronic gear.  Essaie pas is a band that changed form and style many times since its inception, and now involves Pierre Guerineau and I. Within this project, we try to give birth to sensual music everytime we meet to collaborate (The Tout est jeune EP sold out, more music to come in the next year). Pierre’s skills were also very useful when I recorded the voices and he also did the final mixes on my own EP.

What first motivated you to release a solo album and how did your approach to producing music differ to working in a band?
In 2012, I went into depression. I started my solo project to escape from some obsessive thoughts that were bringing me down, in order to fill my head with sounds instead of ideas. It was really hard at first because I had never worked on my own; I had trouble figuring some of my new gear and I had doubts I could come up with something interesting. After a few months of work I played my first solo show and people were really enthusiastic about it, so I decided to post my "first songs" on bandcamp. That’s how the solo EP ended up online...

Picture by Darren Ell

What's the story behind the artwork?

Science Fiction is something which inspires me a lot; I like the aesthetic related to it. Everytime I would think about album covers for this project, I would see some kind of photograph in my head but I didn’t know how to put it in words, so I asked my friend Francesco De Gallo (Hobo Cult
tapes) to take a picture of me and to do anything that would make it look sci-fi. I knew I could trust him because he always comes up with great artwork for tapes. I’m very happy with the results.

You are both a poet and a musician. To what extent are these two fields connected in your art?
I’ve always liked poetry but sounds and harmonies are more vital to me. I write poetry to put words on sounds I want to hear in my music. I also use poetry to communicate things I would not dare, or be able to say in everyday life.

Who are your favorite musicians and poets? Would you consider putting someone else's words into music?
My favorite musician is Klaus Schulze. My favorite poet is Charles Bukowski. It’s funny that you ask, because working with Essaie pas, we’ve already put in music two of his poems. Il faut on our first EP in French translation and "514-376-9230" is some kind of collage of sentences I chose from Love is a Dog From Hell.

Since your art is mainly based on emotions, do you feel like it has a cathartic effect on you?
 Yes, music saved my life. It’s more than cathartic, it’s the best thing that happens to me every week.

Picture by David Vilder
How was it to work with Matana Roberts? I just discovered her but she seems amazing!

Matana is a very talented and generous musician. I loved working with her and the whole Coin Coin band.

How's the local scene in Montreal? Which bands would you recommend?
Montreal scene is very alive. You can find many bands or projects for almost every type of music. We just don’t have enough night clubs and after hours where good DJs want to make you dance all night; it’s mostly venues or DIY spaces. As a recommendation I would name Bataille Solaire, this is the solo project of Asael Robitaille, who plays guitar for Jef Barbara and Femminielli. It’s crazy electronic music made from synths and software, with beautiful touches of Kosmische and world music.

I’m gonna send you several videos and I would like you to tell me what you think in few words
Video 1: Kathy Acker interviews William S. Burroughs
I like William Burroughs but I find this interview a bit boring.

Video 2: Nini Raviolette - Suis-Je Normale?
Nini Raviolette, I’ve first heard this song when I was 19, but never really knew who it was. The lyrics are so good, the video is . . . shifty. Or in French I would say "louche"...

Video 3:
Christina Aguilera - Birds of prey
Woaw ! Christina?! It sounds like a mix of Disco and Garbage (the band). Not too sure about this one...

Video 4: DEUX - Paris Orly
I love Deux! They are a great inspiration for me. The song Games and Performance once made me cry.

Video 5: Pink Industry - What I Wouldn't Give 
This is beautiful!

Thank you very much Marie!
Wish you the best

See you readers!  

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Whatta Man ♪♫

Just a pointless post because I love all these versions...

See you readers!

Monday, 4 March 2013

Ctrl + F "Female"

Hi readers!

This article is officially sponsored by the amazing blog Elementary Revolt. From time to time, I love visiting ER because they ALWAYS have so much good music. It is hard to keep up with all the releases but they do a crazy work with this blog. Hereafter is a short selection for you... only female fronted or male/female fronted bands as you can imagine ;)

If you are in a poppy mood, you can also dl the new Neon Hitch EP for free on her official website. 

Love, xxx

Friday, 1 March 2013

La Face Cachée - Music shop - Metz, France

I decided to interview my friend Florian Schall (one of the most interesting, open-minded and nice guys I have met on the internet) in order to promote the music shop he works in, La Face Cachée in Metz (France). The interview will be in French but they have a huge and eclectic selection available worldwide on Discogs.

Le concept est simple... on est au comptoir de La Face Cachée... des clients viennent parler à Florian...

«Bonjour! Voilà mon fils adore le groupe « Iron Maiden ». C’est son anniversaire alors j’aimerais bien lui faire cadeau d’un vinyle. Vous me conseillez quoi? Vous faîtes les paquets cadeau?»
« Et bien justement, je viens de rentrer une copie en parfaite état du Live At Donington. Si votre fils est fan de la Vierge de Fer, je pense que ce disque saura le combler ! Nous n'avons malheureusement pas de papier cadeau mais je vais vous l'emballer dans un carton d'expédition (avec un petit dessin d'Eddie, je suis sûr que ça lui fera plaisir).»

«Bonjour! J’organise une messe noire samedi soir. Je viens en quête d’inspiration pour l’ambiance musicale…»
«Ca tombe bien, samedi matin je reçois la réédition du Second Annual Report de THROBBING GRISTLE. La vie est vraiment bien faite.»

«Bonjour! C’est la fête de ma mère ce week end et elle adore Bashung. Vous me conseillez quoi dans le genre?»
«Je vous conseille de jeter une oreille au premier album de JEAN ELLIOT SENIOR intitulé Ballade Sauvage. On traîne là sur les terres de la vraie bonne chanson française, celle nourrie à la pop des années 70 et au rock des années 80. Plus léger que Bashung mais tout aussi marquant !»

«C’est toi qui tient Records are better than people ? T’es pas sérieux à propos de Katy Perry?!»
(Je ne dis rien, je soulève seulement mon pull pour le laisser entrevoir mon t-shirt.)

Pictures by Jennie Z
«J’adore la BO de American Pie. Vous avez quoi dans ce style?»
«La BO de Ten Things I Hate About You (le film qui a révélé Heath Ledger au grand public). En plus d'être un excellent teen movie, sa musique défonce. Et puis LETTERS TO CLEO y reprend le I Want You To Want Me de CHEAP TRICK...»

«Ma copine adore le trucs rock indie. C’est quoi le dernier truc bien racoleur qui soit sorti susceptible de lui plaire? Bon vu qu’elle va l’écouter avec moi faut quand même que ce soit pas mal…»
«Par définition, le rock indé c'est racoleur. Mais si tu veux un truc moins racoleur que la moyenne, je te conseille le dernier REIZIGER (et plus ça rime, en plus).»

«Je suis dégoûté The Devil’s Blood a splité. T’as pas un truc en stock dans le même genre… je manque de female occult rock!»
«Evite SEREMONIA, replonge toi dans la discographie de COVEN, écoute le Three & Seven d'OCCULTATION et surtout prie pour que BLOOD CEREMONY ressorte un album.»

«J’ai trouvé une nana qui a des vinyles de Miles Davis accrochés au mur chez elle. Je voudrais laisser traîner un truc bien pointu et cool sur ma table basse quand je l’inviterai pour faire genre. Tu me conseilles quoi?»
«Un pressage original d'Empyrean Isles d'HERBIE HANCOCK. C'est pas très pointu mais y'a moyen qu'elle tombe amoureuse de toi rien qu'en voyant ça sur ta table.»

Pictures by Jennie Z
«Bonjour! Mon colocataire enchaîne Pig Destroyer et Napalm Death toute la journée. Tu me conseilles quoi de bien doux et sucré pour le faire rager?»
«Un crossover PINK / NICKI MINAJ me paraît de circonstance...»

«Ouais moi tu vois j’adore la musique underground tchèque de 1980 à 1982. Tu n’as rien dans ce style?»
«Veinard, on vient de rentrer le DISCOGRAPHY OF EASTERN EUROPEAN PUNK MUSIC 1977-1999 sorti par Tien An Men 89. C'est pas un disque, c'est un livre. Mais ça devrait te donner quelques idées de skeuds à commander chez nous!»

«Je cherche… vous savez ce groupe un peu post punk… un peu déprimant… y’a une chanson ça fait « love » et « sadness » quelque chose ? Vous devez voir quand même?!»

Pictures by Jennie Z
«Salut ! J’adore Christina Aguilera, Enslaved et Bauhaus. Des suggestions?»
 «You can't go wrong with Gaga», comme on dit.

«J’ai trois cadeaux à faire. Je voudrais trois vinyles : le premier doit avoir une pochette rouge, le second une pochette blanche et le troisième une pochette violette. Vous avez ça?»
«Le Rot de CONRAD SCHNITZLER, le White Album des BEATLES et un Very Best Of de DEPP PURPLE!»

«Tu t’es mis quoi de côté ce mois-ci Florian?»
«Je viens de choper le pressage américain de la BO de Maniac chez Varèse. J'ai pas réfléchi, quand je l'ai vu arriver dans un lot, je l'ai pris.»

«Je veux prendre une photo de toi avec ton vinyle préféré du moment?» 
Lover - Natali Kaufmann

See you readers!